♥..take what you can from your dreams Make them as real as anything..♥
When I was younger I always wanted to live in the country or the beach.
When something in my life goes wrong or doesn't go my way (I'm spoiled, everything has to go my way) I run away for a bit. I wont settle for less I make sure I get what I want and I do everything I can to get it. And I get it. Realistically that is. I use to say I would run away to the beach, pitch a tent and enjoy the scenery of the beach to get my head straight. (the free Spirit in me I guess)
and this song comes to mind..
So Close Now
I've got the streets memorized
I see the faces embedded in my mind
I can't keep on fighting the urge go
I've got nothing in common with this town I've come to know-Eli young band
Well, I only ranaway to the beach once when I was 19 (all the other times I runaway to South Tx) (I'm 23 now bout to be 24) things were going so bad I left to South Padre and just relaxed for the weekend except instead of a tent I was staying at a hotel and I was with my dad and sis. I threw a tantrum how I wanted to go to the beach to get away from Arlington to get my head clear so he took us (what a great dad does everything for his daughters ) So at night I would sit under the Texas stars and watch the waves crash on the shore and just thought about what I need to do with my life. And everything I want in my life I do. Even if I have to leave him (an ex (which we got back together for another 3 years) )or loose friends. I will make damn sure I will get it done. So after leaving the beach and countless arguments I left him and went back to school,left Ihop and got a job as a waitress somewhere else. And I was back to being on track.
My point of that story is that I've been having dreams of the beach for as long as I can remember. The same black and white dream. Its misty the water is warm and theres mountains and the only thing that is not black and white is the sky its colorful its like the whole sky is a rainbow. Its gorgeous.
Dream interruption ..
To dream that you are on the beach and looking out toward the ocean, indicates unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. Consider the state of the ocean, whether it is calm, pleasant, forbidding, etc.
To dream that you are looking toward the beach, suggests that you are returning to what is familiar to you. Alternatively, you may be adapting or accepting to the changes and circumstances in your life.
To dream that you are relaxing on a beach, signifies that the coming weeks will be calm and tranquil for you. Your stress will be alleviated and you will find peace of mind. However, to dream that you are working on the beach, signifies a business project that will consume most of your time.
To see a rainbow in your dream, represents hope, success and good fortune in the form of money, prestige, or fame. The rainbow is a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self.
And I wonder if things arnt going right in my life again? I mean I left the poison in my life (an ex) I cut down on the partying and some friends. I have a great job at a Pediatrics as a Nurse. The only nurse in that office and the practice is growing there planning to get a bigger office with 2 doctors. Which is great for me that means more experience and opportunities. So what going wrong? who knows? I just know I've been stress and I think it's time for another vacation at the beach sometime in the summer maybe August?? For now I shall stick with Chicago for my birthday which I'm so excited!! Never been outside of Texas besides Oklahoma and seriously that doesn't count. I saw no red dirt, no ti pees and no Indians. It was like Texas. hmph.
Word of the day is..
To be in agreement or harmony; agree
I'm just going to accord the idea of leaving Texas if I sincerely want to discover what else is out there around the world.