Recklessly, Random thoughts, Drunken theories, Word of the day and Broken Heartedness.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dance to the beat of my -❤-

☆-Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now-☆

5-more days till my birthday and 4 more days till I head off to Chicago!

Note to self- need to wash clothes and pack either tomorrow or tuesday!


So I was watching The young Victoria last last night. (Which may I add that it was a great movie). Although they were a bunch of incest motherfuckers =/

Well, ANYWAYS a Random thought came to mind-Why is it when rednecks from like Ar-kansas (lol) or like from Nebraska fornicate with there own family there children come out disabled, retarded or whatever. And when English Royalty fornicate they come out normal? I mean the English were ruthless but I think at that time you had to be. Or were they just insane? mentally disabled? I'm I missing something here? Either way gross.

I was doing some research on English Royalty. It's pretty interesting. Did you know the reason they have bad teeth is because back then they used to whiten there teeth with bleach. yikes! Bleach of course is going to eat away the enamel and probably rotten your teeth.

Random thought- you would think they would invent a tooth brush first before bleach? I mean they had hair brushes? I don't know. I would so love to go backpacking all over England. There whole culture and history just fascinates me.

Word of the day-
Having or showing pluck or courage; brave.

You know like plucky the duck? from Loony-Tunes! He was the green ducky. He was one of my favorites. He minds me off me. He's plucky, egotistical, of course always had to much pride, easily excited and always scheming for personal glory all comes together as ME! NO BLOOD NO GLORY

p.s. Don't copy me!

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